Proposal Details

Revisiting the Problem Statement

Self reporting is difficult albeit most important in distributed organisations. Current tools make it tedious to do correct self auditing.

Why difficult?

Since there is no one "pulling" reports from contributors in a distributed (heterachical) organisation, each person is responsible for reporting to them selfs and "push" them the cooperative as a whole.

Assessing intangibles - is highly experimental, and best practices are still being established

Taking time - to document what one has been working on and aggregate it

Standardised processes - are missing and need to be piloted & tested within different communities

Tooling is missing - or is proprietary, sometimes spread across different platforms.

Why important?

Rewards & Remunerations - self reporting allows for calculating (post) remuneration and rewards of pro bono and livelihood work.

Accountability & Reputation - are easily built; by offering an "impact trail" of what roles and tasks have been taken on (accountability) and what value was created by successfully delivering (reputation).

Transparency - everyone can see at a glimpse what someone else has been working on the last 4 weeks.


Revisiting the Solution

A contribution survey automatically generated and populated with the contributions done in all Git repositories.

What's a contribution survey?

It's a document in GitHub (called "issue") that is being raised at the end of the month, for each member. The purpose of this survey is to document all contributions (tangible & intangible) done within a month. Until now every core contributor of SecretDecks is manually filing this report (example).


Using GitHub actions, we will create a workflow that generates a contribution survey for each member on the last day of the month. This template will be generated from a YAML template and pre filled with the contributions done in the cooperatives Git repositories. This counts issues (tasks, epics, stories) assigned & closed; pull requests created, pull requests merged.

Additionally, there will be another workflow (can be triggered by all core contributors) that will import clockify data into the contribution survey.


Other proposals or projects impacted

Other DAOs and DisCos can use this template and the GitHub actions to their liking.


📊 Milestones & Roadmap

  1. Mid January 2022 - v.00 of Contribution Survey: UX friendly YAML template - End January 2022 - Testing, feedback & documentation of v.00

  2. February 2022 - v.01 of Contribution Survey: Automation within GitHub - March 2022 - Testing and feedback & documentation of v.01

  3. April 2022 - v.02 of Contribution Survey: Full automation and Clockify integration - May 2022 - Testing and feedback & documentation of v.02


The launch date will be : January 2022

The completion date will be : May 2022


Definition of success after 3, 6 and 12 months

3 Months - Contribution Survey is automated and used within SecretDecks

6 Months - Contribution Survey template is used within other distributed or decentralised organisations

12 Months - Contribution Survey template was refined outside SecretDecks and then updated within.



v.00 of Contribution Survey: UX friendly YAML template: 420 USD

Testing, feedback & documentation of v.00: 189 USD

v.01 of Contribution Survey: Automation within GitHub: 1000 USD

Testing and feedback & documentation of v.01: 189 USD

v.02 of Contribution Survey: Full automation and Clockify integration: 1000 USD

Testing and feedback & documentation of v.02: 189 USD

Total : 2987 USD


🔍 What is SecretDecks ?

SecretDecks is a colourful collective of mindful spirits who work towards leaving this dimension a better place. Find out more about us on our "Arcana" GitBook at

SecretDecks is building a Distributed Collective by discovering and exploring new tools for self organising communities. We share an agreed upon value system, defined in the Mindfulness Policy [] that sets the base vibration of our work.

The primary goal is to create a Tarot metaverse experience on web 3.0 architecture within a distributed cooperative and freely share the tools discovered and created to help other cooperatives grow and prosper.


Key metrics to measure

  1. ROI - An opensource template and Github action workflows for other DisCos and DAOs to do self reporting.

  2. Community participation – x amount of DisCos and DAOs will adopt the template and GitHub action workflows

  3. Proof of iteration - Testing , feedback and documentation will inform the next iterations and Catalyst Community is engaged in after town hall breakout rooms

  4. Embracing failure

Leading KPIs

Publish documentation for each milestone (3) as playbook

Publish YAML template after each iteration (3) in GitHub

Publish GitHub actions workflow after each iteration (2)

Publish all in a separate repository template (1)

Lagging KPIs

Playbook is shared on social media x amount of times / generated over 1k impressions on (twitter)?

YAML template is employed by two other Cardano/Catalyst projects

GH actions workflow is employed by two other Cardano/Catalyst projects

repository template is used x amount of times


🔗 References

SecretDecks has a website at and is developing an "Arcana" GitBook at .

News and updates are posted on our Twitter at .


Who are we?🔗 | (identifying information)| LINKS //👌 | SKILLS // 👉 | SHORT BIO

Heather Brown

**🔗 |** |

👌 | Editing, content creation

**👉 |**10+ years as a sociologist focusing on civil society and mobilisation, qualitative researcher, content writer, and editor. Additional experience in project coordination and a life-long visual artist.

Stephen Whitenstall (Advisor)

🔗 | LinkedIn

👌 | Philosophy, documentation, QA, tech PM,"Repo Man"

👉 | has 30 years' experience in organizing academic, community and business projects. He develops, maintains documentation and provides technical project management support for Catalyst Swarm.

Dan Verowski

🔗 | LinkedIn

👌 | Thinking out loud, drawing ideas & content writing

👉 | Has over 10 years experience as ScrumMaster, Business Analyst, product manager and 5 years experience in entrepreneurship. Full time blockchain since 2016, part of aeternity blockchain core team until summer 2017. Working together with Stephen since NFT-DAO days

Tyler Wales

🔗 | LinkedIn

👌 | Entrepreneurship, product development, UX, marketing

👉 | 10+ years of experience in entrepreneurship at the intersection of tech and media. Well rounded and loves to deconstruct complex problems into iterative testable parts.


Last updated